District # 3

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an apple a day...

sm1988logo.jpg (21689 bytes)  Overview of the European PTSA

The European Congress of American Parents, Teachers, and Students (ECAPTS) was founded in 1957. Chartered under the National PTA, ECAPTS mission is to advocate on behalf of American youth living in Europe.

At one point there were nearly 30,000 PTA members in Europe. Military drawdown and other factors resulted in a drastic reduction in terms of membership. In the past several years we have witnessed a renewed interest in the PTSA. Membership currently stands at 9600, and is up by 15% over last school year. Six additional DoDDS schools have affiliated with the European PTSA in the last eleven months.

Most of the energy expended by local PTA units and ECAPTS goes towards putting on programs in the schools. ECAPTS offers programs to schools that recognize student achievement in the arts as well as academic areas. Programs are in place to recognize a school's outstanding educator and volunteer. The European PTSA works with the DoDDS Transportation Management Office (DETMO) to promote school bus safety, and we are currently working with environmental specialists from the military to enhance our effectiveness in the environmental area. America Goes Back to School, Teacher Appreciation Week, and Earth Day are just some of the many other programs ECAPTS promotes.

While most of our effort goes into promoting programs, the European PTSA has never lost sight of it advocacy role. Through the efforts of ECAPTS and others we were successful in getting DoDDS to rescind its decision to drastically slash school nurse positions. CTBS testing, once required of students below third grade, was done away with for these very young children thanks to a relentless struggle. Kindergarten age requirements, the school lunch program, and safe schools are among the many issues that ECAPTS has grappled with over the past forty years. sm1999logo.JPG (16588 bytes)

At present there are several issues that the European PTSA continues to press with DoDDS. Our position is clear that schools should be staffed based on programs rather than numbers. Students in smaller schools are entitled to the same quality programs available in larger schools, and parents are entitled to play a role in determining the needs of their community school. The European PTSA decries the cutting of school psychologist positions last year, and continues to urge DoDEA to restore these critically needed professionals. We continue to advocate for a comprehensive school health program. In this time of increased deployments our children desperately need the lull time services of a school psychologist and nurse. There is ample evidence for an increase in these services, and no justification for a further reduction.

 Part of the child in all of us

Above all, the PTSA advocates for a voice in the decisions that affect our children. Our parents are long since past the days of "Bake a cookie, make a buck." Our parents want a voice in how their schools are staffed and managed. Our parents want their input listened to and respected. Our parents want a school system that is receptive of their needs and appreciative of their efforts. Together we can make a difference.

European Congress of American Parents, Teachers and Students
Ramstein Rec. Center
Box 186 SVS/SVMR
APO AE 09094
Something to Keep your stuff together
DSN: 489-7273
Civilian: 0631-536-7273
Fax: 06374-4243
out of country#: 0049-631-536-7273
Fax: 0049-6374-4243
e-mail: ecapts@compuserve.com

German Address: ECAPTS
                          Hohlstr. 18
                          67685 Schwedelbach

And also contact me, your District #3 Director 
if you need something posted in these pages:

Alfredo P. Bernal Jr.
Box 1360
APO AE 09180

Or e-mail me at bernal@topsurf.com

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